Restorative Dentistry is the branch that carries out the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of all diseases that are related to dental hard tissues. It deals with the etiology, pathology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental hard tissue defects caused by caries, abrasion, erosion, attrition, abfraction, anomalies, enamel hypoplasia and restoration of endodontically treated teeth. It provides the esthetic, phonetic and functional requirements of the patients by using the current restorative materials such as CAD/CAM and Adhesive Dentistry. Conservative treatment of physiological and pathological tooth discolorations are managed by individual bleaching techniques. Esthetic Dentistry is also among the fields of application of this department. Problems associated with tooth alignment, color, shape, length and position modification, diastema closure, restoration of fractured teeth and smile design are performed with the use of composite veneers and porcelain laminates that aims to achieve long term restorations with minimal tooth preparation. It is also relevant to the preventative procedure involving fluoride application in order to minimise the risk of developing cavities and enamel loss.
Prof. Dr. Esra CAN (Head of Department)
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nazlı ŞİRİNSÜKAN